Thursday, January 31, 2008
Cute Young Boy Reciting QURAN
Just wanna share a beautiful video about young boy reciting Quran, masha Allah.
Hope that these kids will be better muslims than us in the future and will lead to make Islam back to the top again, as I always said, they will Bring Back The Glory of Our Ummah.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Characteristics of Islamic Approved Hijab
Hijab or ħijāb (حجاب) is the Arabic term for "cover" (noun), based on the root حجب meaning "to veil, to cover (verb), to screen, to shelter"
The Quran instructs Muslims to dress in a modest way. In the Quran, Allah speaks about the quran speaks about men's hijab, then only women.The following verses are generally interpreted as applying to all Muslim men and women.
Surah 24 An- Nur, verse 31 :And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and
guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and
ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should
draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except
to their husbands, their fathers, their husband's fathers, their sons,
their husbands' sons, their brothers or their brothers' sons, or their
sisters' sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands
possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who
have no sense of the shame of sex; and that they should not strike their
feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O ye
Believers! turn ye all together towards Allah, that ye may attain Bliss.
(Right click and download the image for your own use or spread it as a method of Da'wah to your friends!)
According to Dr Zakir Naik's speech in one of his Islamic talk, he described about the 6 main rules of approved hijab in Islam, which are:
- It should not be transparent
- Should not be tight or showing ur body figures and curves
- It should not be glamorous that it attracts the opposites
- Every part should be covered except for hands and face
- It should not resembles the non-believers trend eg: wearing cross
- It should not be similar or resembles the male's outfit
In Malaysia, the headscarf is known as a tudung.
2. DR Zakir Naik talk, why the west coming to Islam.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Siapakah Dia?
Siapakah orang yang sibuk?
Orang yang sibuk adalah orang yang tidak mengambil berat akan waktu solatnya seolah-olah ia mempunyai kerajaan seperti kerajaan Nabi Sulaiman a.s
Siapakah orang yang manis senyumannya?
Orang yang mempunyai senyuman yang manis adalah orang yang ditimpa musibah lalu dia kata "Inna lillahi wainna illaihi rajiuun." Lalu sambil berkata,"Ya Rabbi Aku redha dengan ketentuanMu ini", sambil mengukir senyuman.
Siapakah orang yang kaya?
Orang yang kaya adalah orang yang bersyukur dengan apa yang ada dan tidak lupa akan kenikmatan dunia yang sementara ini.
Siapakah orang yang miskin?
Orang yang miskin adalah orang tidak puas dengan nikmat yang ada sentiasa menumpuk-numpukkan harta.
Siapakah orang yang rugi?
Orang yang rugi adalah orang yang sudah sampai usia pertengahan namun masih berat untuk melakukan ibadat dan amal-amal kebaikan.
Siapakah orang yang paling cantik?
Orang yang paling cantik adalah orang yang mempunyai akhlak yang baik.
Siapakah orang yang mempunyai rumah yang paling luas?
Orang yang mempunyai rumah yang paling luas adalah orang yang mati membawa amal-amal kebaikan di mana kuburnya akan di perluaskan saujana mata memandang.
Siapakah orang yang mempunyai rumah yang sempit lagi dihimpit?
Orang yang mempunyai rumah yang sempit adalah orang yang mati tidak membawa amal-amal kebaikkan lalu kuburnya menghimpitnya.
Siapakah orang yang mempunyai akal?
Orang yang mempunyai akal adalah orang-orang yang menghuni syurga kelak kerana telah mengunakan akal sewaktu di dunia untuk menghindari siksa neraka.
Semoga kita termasuk dalam golongan orang yang menggunakan akal dengan sebaik2 nya, insya Allah.
Monday, January 21, 2008
7 Tips For Improving Your Relationship With The Quran
Are you one of those people who rarely touches the Quran? Or do you read daily, but don't find it is having the impact on you that it should? Whatever the case may be, these are some simple tips that can help you connect with the Quran.
1. Before you touch it, check your heart
The key to really benefiting from the Quran is to check your heart first, before you even touch Allah's book. Ask yourself, honestly, why you are reading it. Is it to just get some information and to let it drift away from you later? Remember that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was described by his wife as a "walking Quran": in other words, he didn't just read and recite the Quran, he lived it.
2. Do your Wudu (ablution)
Doing your Wudu is good physical and mental preparation to remind you you're not reading just another book. You are about to interact with God, so being clean should be a priority when communicating with Him.
3. Read only 5 minutes everyday
Too often, we think we should read Quran for at least one whole hour. If you aren't in the habit of reading regularly, this is too much. Start off with just five minutes daily. If you took care of step one, Insha Allah (God willing), you will notice that those five minutes will become ten, then half an hour, then an hour, and maybe even more!
4. Make sure you understand what you've read
Five minutes of reading the Quran in Arabic is good, but you need to understand what you're reading. Make sure you have a good translation of the Quran in the language you understand best. Always try to read the translation of what you've read that day .
5. Remember, the Quran is more interactive than a CD
In an age of "interactive" CD-Roms and computer programs, a number of people think books are passive and boring. But the Quran is not like that. Remember that when you read Quran, you are interacting with Allah. He is talking to you, so pay attention.
6. Don't just read, listen too
There are now many audio cassettes and CDs of the Quran, a number of them with translations as well. This is great to put on your walkman or your car's CD or stereo as you drive to and from work. Use this in addition to your daily Quran reading, not as a replacement for it.
7. Make Dua (supplication)
Ask Allah to guide you when you read the Quran. Your aim is to sincerely, for the love of Allah, interact with Him by reading, understanding and applying His blessed words. Making Dua to Allah for help and guidance will be your best tool for doing this.
Allah know best...
(source: from a web which i forgot the link,sorry)
Friday, January 18, 2008
Doa dan Adab Menziarahi Orang Sakit/Supplications or Duas when visiting the sick.
Oleh kerana ana masih sakit dan demam, ana akan post mengenai Doa dan Adab menziarahi orang sakit.
When someone is critically ill
When someone is so critically ill that there is no hope for his recovery, under no circumstances should he (or she) pray for his (or her) death. But if one must, then one should recite the following dua:
Allah-humma ah-yini ma kaanatil hayaatu khairall-lee wa tawaff-fani i-dha kaanatil wa faato khai-rall-lee.
Translation: O Allah, keep me alive so long as it is in my best interest and give me death when it is in my best interest.
When visiting the sick
La ba'sa tahoorun inshaa-Allah. La ba'sa tahoorun inshaa-Allah.
Translation: No need to worry. It (this sickness) is a means of cleansing from sins. No need to worry. It (this sickness) is a means of cleansing from sins.
Sunat dibacakan doa ini kepada si sakit :
"Ya ALLAH, hilangkanlah penyakitnya, wahai Tuhan bagi manusia sembuhkanlah, Engkaulah yang menyembuhkan tidak ada sembuhan melainkan sembuhan dari MU jua, sesuatu sembuhan yang tidak meninggalkan sebarang penyakit" Riwayat at-Tirmizi.
Ziarah seperti saranan baginda Rasulullah SAW:
"Daripada Abu Hurairah RA katanya : bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda :
Barangsiapa yang menziarahi org sakit atau menziarahi saudaranya kerana
ALLAH TAALA, maka terdengarlah suara yang memanggil dan mengatakan bagus dan bagus langkahmu dan ambillah tempat tinggal mu di dalam syurga"
(Riwayat at-Tirmizi)
Antara adab-adab ziarah pesakit (menurut kitab Fiqh Sunnah)
- Mendo’akan si sakit agar lekas sembuh
- Memberi nasihat agar bersabar dan tabah
- Menyampaikan ucapan yg baik yg dapat menghiburkan hati si sakit dan menguatkan jiwanya. Cth ucapan: “Tidak apa-apa insyaAllah lekas sembuh.”
- Pendekkan waktu ziarah
- Penjarangkan waktu ziarah agar tidak menyulitkan si sakit(kecuali si sakit mengkehendaki sebaliknya)
- Wanita boleh menziarahi lelaki. Dalil: Aisyah ra pernah menziarahi Bilal bin Rabah ra yg sakit demam panas
- Boleh juga menziarahi orang bukan Islam. Dalil: alBukhari meriwayatkan dalam bab menjenguk orang musyrik
Hikmahnya bukan sekadar dapat mencontohi sunnah, bahkan mengeratkan ukhuwah sesama kita. Seterusnya, pastilah orang yang sakit juga akan mendoakan kesejahteraan kita. WallahualamThursday, January 17, 2008
Not Feeling Well...
Monday, January 14, 2008
Beware of Secularism....
May peace be with all of the readers.... As you can see, todays topic is ' Beware of Secularism..'
Now, for those of you who still did not really know what does Secularism means, here's the definition from wikipedia,
Secularism is generally the assertion that certain practices or institutions should exist separately from religion or religious belief. Alternatively, it is a principle of promoting secular ideas or values in either public or private settings. It may also be a synonym for "secularist movement". In the extreme, it is an ideology that holds that religion has no place in public life.
In one sense, secularism may assert the freedom of religion, and freedom from the government imposition of religion upon the people, within a state that is neutral on matters of belief, and gives no state privileges or subsidies to religions.
Now that you have a bit of idea on what secularism all about, lets analyze the term from Islamic perspective. First of all, the simple way to understand secularism, is when you separate religion from your daily living.For example, let say when you are doing your business, you tend to cheat your customer by reducing the amount of fruits that you sell, and you did it without fearing that action might cause you in the hereafter. You are not afraid of the hellfire or sins, and you think that you can get away from them easily without being judged later. Remember, one of the verses in Quran that says:
We shall set up scales of justice for the Day of Judgment, so that not a soul will be dealt with unjustly in the least, and if there be (no more than) the weight of a mustard seed, We will bring it (to account): and enough are We to take account. (Surah Al Anbiya :47).
Besides, you will feel embarrassed to speak about Islam or applying it in your daily lives. It is because you think that Islamic teachings are just way out of date and conservative.
When you dress, your fashion might look like Islamic, but actually it is not! For ladies especially, their attires are glamorous and sexy even though they are wearing the hijab (tudung) on. These trends existed long ago, since the Dark Age era, and it is known as ' Tabbaruj Aj- Jahiliyyah', or fashion of those ignorant during Dark Age.
Well, of course all of us have the freedom of expression on how to talk,walk or behave. But then again, for Muslims, we all have limits to express our opinions. It should not be opposite with what written in the Quran and Hadith.
On a final note, when you think that you have some of the characteristics of secular in yourself, you better do something about it...
Some of the tips to avoid secularism are:
- Dress according to appropriate Islamic guidelines ( I'll post about that soon, don't miss it).
- Study and explore the Quran, and most importantly, APPRECIATE it!
-Remember and always set in your heart and mind that we will not live forever, and believe that the Day of Judgement will definitely come and there's no way that any living souls can escape it!
- Make friends with Muslim friends that are really 'Muslims' ( you know what i mean!)
- Dont be fooled by those extreme entertainment shows aired on TV, they are all fake and will not last long!
- Think of Allah, Allah, Allah more than anyone else! - OF course pray 5 times a day, plus all the Sunnat Prayer, Sunnat deeds, repent a lot (istighfar) in your daily supplication, hear Islamic lectures to motivate your souls, always ask advice from any religious person around you about your personality, is it the way any Muslims should behave or the other way round.
I think thats all from me. I'm reminding myself before I'm reminding you. So let us all pray that we will be guided by Allah in the straight path, the part of those Mu'minin before us. Amin. Hopefully by following all the guidelines, we will bring back the glory of our ummah and become a better Muslims day by day. Insya Allah.
Lastly, any mistakes or imperfection of this article are from myself, and all of the beauty from this article are from Allah the Al-Mighty.
You are more than welcome to give any suggestion,argument or question regarding this article. Thank you.
p/s: ( The Malay version will come up soon)
This article is written by Miss Tudge and no one is allowed to change any of the words. This article is meant to be distributed for free, for the benefits of the Ummah.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Biodata of A Great Da'ie
A medical doctor by professional training, Dr. Zakir Naik is renowed as a dynamic international orator on Islam and Comparative Religion. Dr. Zakir Naik clarifies Islamic viewpoints and clears misconceptionsDr. Zakir Naik about Islam, using the Qur'an, authentic Hadith and other religious Scriptures as a basis, in conjunction with reason, logic and scientific facts. He is 41 years old.
Dr. Zakir is popular for his critical analysis and convincing answers to challenging questions posed by audiences after his public talks. In the last 6 years (by the year 2002), Dr. Zakir Naik has delivered more than 600 public talks in the U.S.A., Canada, U.K., Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, South Africa, Mauritius, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Hongkong, Thailand, Guyana (South America) and many other countries, in addition to numerous public talks in India.
He has successfully participated in several symposia and dialogues with prominent personalities of other faiths. His public dialogue with Dr. William Campbell (of USA), on the topic, “The Qur’an and the Bible in the light of Science” held in city of Chicago, U.S.A., on April 1, 2000 was a resounding success.
Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, the world famous orator on Islam and Comparative Religion, who had called Dr. Zakir, "Deedat plus" in 1994, presented a plaque in May 2000 awarded to Dr. Zakir Abdul-Karim Naik for his achievement in the field of Da’wah and the study of Comparative Religion with the engraving "Son what you have done in 4 years had taken me 40 years to accomplish, Alhamdullilah.”
Dr. Zakir Naik appears regularly on many international T.V. Channels in more than 100 countries of the world. He is regularly invited for T.V. and Radio interviews. More than a hundred of his talks, dialogues, debates and symposia are available on video cassettes, video CDs and audio cassettes. He has authored books on Islam and Comparative Religion.
taken from
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Maal Hijrah 1429H
Happy Maal Hijrah 1429
May this year bring glory to our ummah!
together strive hard dear friends!!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Assalamualaikum wbt
Alhamdulillah, I am able to publish my second blog, after the release of my 1st blog
Mesti ramai tertanya-tanya kenapa saya memerlukan blog lain. Saya ada alas an tersendiri untuk itu, seperti akaun blogdrive yang mempunyai limited space untuk upload image, selain itu susah untuk letak archiving dan senarai post terkini di layout sebelah kiri.
Saya harap dengan kewujudan, lebih ramai individu yang mendapat manfaat daripada isi-isi yang terkandung di sini.
Bila Tuhan Berbicara...
Idea ini diasaskan ketika saya membaca buku novel drama karangan Faisal Tehrani ( ), yang bertajuk Bila Tuhan Berbicara . Oleh itu, saya ingin post pertama di blog ini berkisar mengenai ulasan saya terhadap buku tersebut, sebagai tribute.
Pertama sekali, buku setebal 374 muka surat ini berformat dialog atau drama. Ianya satu bahan bacaan yang menarik dan ringan, berbanding kita membaca novel yang sarat dan padat. Novel drama ini adakalanya diselangi humor-humor ringan yang saya kira amat penting untuk mewujudkan suasana ceria dan less stress for the audience.
Seperti juga hasrat penulis, saya juga amat menyokong dan mengalu-alukan sekiranya ada pihak produksi Malaysia yang sanggup mementaskan atau memfilemkan karya ini sebagai satu drama/filem evolusi berpaksikan sastera Islamiyyah, which is very rare to be found nowadays.
Ringkasnya, novel ini menceritakan mengenai 3 orang pemuda yang berlainan watak iaitu Sahlan (vulkanologis), Mazlan (Doktor) dan Razlan (ustaz, terrorist) . Mereka terperangkap di dalam sebuah bunker akibat letusan gunung berapi. Mereka kemudiannya tertidur selama beribu tahun dan apabila terjaga, zaman telah berubah dan mereka berada di bawah pemerintahan Paduka Ratu dalam Dunia Baru. Misi mereka adalah untuk mengubat penyakit kusta yang merebak dengan serius di kalangan penduduk Dunia Baru, serta satu lagi misi penting iaitu untuk berdakwah dan memperkenalkan syiar Islam kepada penduduk Dunia Baru yang masih tercari-cari apakah anutan/agama yang terbaik dan sesuai untuk mereka.
In my opinion, terlalu banyak pengajaran dan ilmu-ilmu yang saya dapat melalui pembacaan novel ini. Antaranya ialah :
- Dalil atau hujah menggunakan nas Quran dan hadis Sahih untuk menjawab atau menerangkan sesuai perbuatan. Contohnya pada muka surat 48:
Mengenai malapetaka dalam Islam Surah Al Anfal ayat 25 yang berbunyi
25. dan jagalah diri kamu daripada (berlakunya) dosa (yang membawa bala bencana) Yang bukan sahaja akan menimpa orang-orang Yang zalim di antara kamu secara khusus (tetapi akan menimpa kamu secara umum). dan ketahuilah Bahawa Allah Maha berat azab seksaNya.
- Hadis yang menguatkan ayat ini ialah :
Zainab binti Jahsy pernah bertanya kepada Rasulullah SAW yang bermaksud:
Wahai Rasulullah SAW apakah kami akan binasa juga sedangkan ada di antara kami orang-orang yang masih berbuat baik? Rasulullah SAW menjawab : Ya, apabila telah melata kejahatan.
Dalam Islam ada 3 malapetaka dan bencana.
Pertamanya bencana semulajadi seperti putting beliung gempa bumi dan letupan gunung berapi yang di luar kemampuan kita manusia sama sekali untuk menghentikannya.
Kedua, malapetaka akibat rakusnya manusia dan gelojohnya pemimpin yang menggondolkan hutan, menorah gunung-ganang sehingga terjadi banjir, tanah runtuh dan bermacam-macam kejadian petaka lain
Ketiga, malapetaka yang memang diberi Allah kerana manusia sudah terlalu liar dan zalim. Bala ketika zaman Nabi Luth dan Nabi Nuh sebagai contoh yang selalu disebutkan orang.
- Meningkatkan pengetahuan kita mengenai mekanisme letusan gunung berapi, sejarah, akibat, tanda-tanda dan sebagainya, melalui watak Sahlan yang merupakan seorang vulkanologis. Contohnya dalam muka surat 36,66 dan banyak lagi.
- Menambah ilmu dalam bidang perubatan tradisional yakni cara-cara mengubat kusta, seperti menggunakan serbuk inai dan sebagainya. Sila rujuk mukasurat 301.
Ciri-ciri produksi Sastera Islam (rujukan Buku: Bila Tuhan Berbicara oleh Faisal Tehrani):
- Pengarah dan Krew-krew harulah menghormati waktu solat. Kerja-kerja penggambaran dihentikan sebentar untuk memberi ruang kepada anggota kerja untuk menunaikan kewajipan fardu ini.
- Para krew dan pelakon haruslah memakai pakaian yang menutup aurat. Pelakon yang memegang watak isteri solehah seharusnya menggambarkan ciri-ciri tersebut di luar lokasi, bukannya mengambil pelakon yang memang terkenal dengan bergaya seksi dan penuh kontroversi, kerana ini amat menyalahi prinsip dan etika dan menyerupai hipokrasi. Ini adalah kelemahan utama yang sering kita nampak pada filem-filem kita, cakap tak serupa bikin.
- Betulkan niat berlakon untuk berdakwah, dan bukan berlakon semata-mata mengharapkan royalty dan keuntungan daripada hasil jualan tiket dan cd. Misi utama ialah mengubah cara fikir dan hidup penonton kita. Jadikan filem kita sesuatu yang berkesan dan melekat di hati mereka, sehingga berjaya untuk mengadaptasi nilai-nilai positif dalam kehidupan seharian.
- Elakkan pergaulan bebas dan percampuran antara pelakon lelaki dan wanita.
- Mengolah jalan cerita dan skrip supaya tidak membosankan, tetapi pada masa yang sama mengandungi mesej-mesej Islamik.Be creative, insya Allah lebih ramai remaja kita yang kembali kepada Quran dan Sunnah….bukankah itu yang paling kita harap-harapkan?
Akhir sekali, saya amat syorkan buku ini dibaca kerana ia sesuai untuk semua lapisan masyarakat. Buku yang membuatkan kita berfikir dan berzikir sejenak, mengenai tugas kita sebenarnya ke muka bumi ini iaitu sebagai hamba Allah dan khalifah, sekiranya anda masih terlupa atau tertanya-tanya apakah tujuan kita diutus.
Oh ya, buku ini berharga RM21.90 dan boleh didapati di kedai-kedai buku utama berhampiran anda. Anda juga boleh beli secara online di
Happy Reading!
Judul : Bila Tuhan Berbicara
Pengarang : Faisal Tehrani
Penerbit : Al-Ameen Serve Sdn. Bhd.
Genre : Novel Drama
Mukasurat : 374 halaman
Cetakan Pertama : 2007
ISBN : 9833991235